Archives par catégorie: Vidéos pour apprendre le squash

Let & Stroke when the ball bounces off the backwall

Learn all the fundamentals of squash, free E-book: Related Article: When the ball bounces off the backwall both a Let or a Stroke can be awarded. The difference between the two judgements is subtle. First of all a Let is a warded whenever the ball bounces off the backwall in a potentially dangerous […]

Let & Stroke – Squash Rules – Squash tips

Learn all of squash fundamentals, free e-book: Related Article: Let and stroke are two major rules of squash. The simple distinction between them is tha Let has to do with one player being prevented to reach a ball that he would otherwise get. Stroke instead has to do with making a huge mistake, […]

Using the « correct » and the « wrong » foot in squash – Squash Footwork tutorial – Squash tips

Learn all of squash fundamentals, free e-book: Related Article: Video with step by step instrunctions on court movement: When starting to learn squash I suggest that you focus on using the proper structure and the « correct » feet/movement patter. Instead when you are advanced and you know how to control the shots you should […]

How to retrieve the ball from the backwall – The Side Step technique – Squash Tips

Learn all of squash fundamentals, free e-book: Related Article: Video on court movement: Video on how your body influences the shots you make: When trying to retrieve the ball from the backwall try to make a side step toward the backwall and then make a step toward the side wall. This […]

Strength of the shot – Squash tips #11 How to increase the speed and strength of your racket swing

Learn all of squash fundamentals, free e-book: Related Article: Song by Atron. Check his channel here: The three key concept taught in this video are: -Open soon and high over your shoulder Preparing the shot as soon as you realize where the ball is going will grant you the chance to decide […]

The side step, technical insights

Learn all squash fundamentals rapidly, Free e-book Or buy it on Amazon: The side step is a useful technique that allows you to position your body in front of the ball whilst keeping your inclination in respect to it. This will allow you to make a drive by making you move toward the […]

Trouver la bonne longueur, attaquer et défendre du fonds du court

  Trouver la bonne longueur consiste à frapper la balle de façon à augmenter votre avantage sur l’adversaire et réduire l’avantage de votre adversaire. Il y a deux type de coups: les coups d’attaque et les coups de défense Un coups d’attaque est une frappe forte et basse (plus près du tin), son but est de marquer le […]

Dylan Bennet’s Squash Wisdom

Learn squash fundamentals fast, free e-book: Or buy it on amazon: This is a recap of Dylan Bennet’s coaching session held in Milan on 10/27/2013 The 4 topics of this video are: Warming up Training your muscles Technique and Tactics Exercises for squash coaching More squash tips @

The backhand technique, how to perform a backhand in squash. + using the wrist

Learn squash fundamentals fast, free e-book: Or buy it on amazon: This video will explain to you the backhand technique for squash. The backhand is performed by positioning the racket over your shoulder to prepare the shot and to do the swing you are going to release your forearm and as your arm […]

How to use a racket, learning the proper eye-arm coordination to use a racket

Learn all squash fundamentals, free e-book: This video is about practical exercises you can use to teach yourself how to use a racket. I’m playing with a squash ball and racket, but this exercises are good for every major racket sports. The exercises are meant to be done in order because each one builds […]