Learn all squash fundamentals fast. Free E-book: http://goo.gl/d83Ak5 The corridor is probably the best exercise in squash you can do with a partner. It consists of doing drives and alternatingly moving between the back of the court and the T. While doing the corridor you can work o your stamina, court movement, rhythm, accuracy, speed […]
Archives par catégorie: Vidéos pour apprendre le squash
The drop shot is a key shot in squash. Here are a few tips on how to hit an effectively 1. Stay square for deception 2. Keep head down 3. Follow through to guide the shot 4. Move back to the T www.squashrev.com Cheers! Shahier Razik
The serve is a key shot in squash. Here are a few tips on how to hit an effective serve. 3 points to remember: 1. Set feet 2. Take your time 3. Aim for your target (see video) 4. Move towards T Up next, the Drop Shot, stay tuned at www.squashrev.com Cheers! Shahier Razik
Here is one of the most useful shots in squash; the volley. 4 points to remember: 1. Stay squared to the side wall 2. Keep a firm wrist 3. Compact swing 4. Power comes from follow through Be sure to watch my other squash videos to pick up some handy tips! Cheers! Shahier Razik PS. […]
Here is one of the most basic shots in squash; the backhand. 6 points to remember: 1. Square shoulders 2. Racquet away from body 3. Cock your wrist 4. Racquet positioned at 80° 5. Racquet Drops 6. Hit through the ball Be sure to watch my other squash videos to pick up some handy tips! […]
Here is one of the most basic shots in squash; the forehand. 3 points to remember: 1. Keep your raquet up 2. Drop your forearm 3. »Hold the line » on the ball Be sure to watch my other squash videos to pick up some handy tips! Cheers! Shahier Razik PS. Visit my site for more www.squashrev.com
The foundation of your squash game rests on your grip. Pay special attention the « V » shape I make with my hand when holding the racket. Visit my site for more www.squashrev.com.
Improve your game quickly by learning to move your feet. Take a look at how I move on the court and keep balanced no matter which corner I’m headed into. Visit my site for more www.squashrev.com